Sunday, December 30, 2018

Returnees in Afghanistan - what does GoIRA say?

Dr Alema and First Lady at the Geneva conference, 2018

The conference People on the Move, a meeting between the Government of Afghanistan and the United Nations, took place in Geneva on 27-28 November 2018. In this video, about 0.30 min, you can hear Dr Alema, the Deputy Minister of refugees and repatriations, commence her speech with these words:

Wednesday, December 05, 2018

Lifos report: The security situation in Afghanistan

Conflict related casualties (both combatants and civilians) that are registered by UCDP during the years 2007 to 2017. Source: UCDP (Afghanistan).

Lifos is the Swedish Migration board's center for country information and country analysis within the migration domain. On Dec 4, 2018, a new report on the security situation in Afghanistan finally was released. The next step is that the Migration board makes a new legal position.

Conference summary: "Afghanistan is not safe"

The panel discussion.

The security situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated the last years and no regions can any longer be regarded as safe. This conclusion was drawn by the participants on the international conference How safe is Afghanistan? in Stockholm on October 4, 2018.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Afghanistan's refugee minister: Stop the deportations!

Only very few return to Afghanistan voluntarily. Unaccompanied children prefer to live on the streets in Sweden to those in Afghanistan. 

Translation from Swedish: Afghanska flyktingministern: Stoppa utvisningarna! Nov 18, 2018

On Monday, November 19, 2018, 48 persons are going to be deported by force from Stockholm (Märsta custody) to Afghanistan. Within the group, there are youngsters wrongly written up to 18+, Christians, atheists, hbtq-persons, fathers of babies, physically ill persons, mentally ill persons. Protest demonstrations are planned outside the custody during the day and evening.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Do the migration authorities in EU underestimate the insecurity in Afghanistan?

Fatalities in Kabul 2013 - August 2018.

The outcome of the conference was that no place in Afghanistan is safe enough for deportations. However, it seems like EU:s migration authorities does not agree on this. But when you look into the different countries' advices to travelers, it seems like they are very well aware about the insecure situation in Afghanistan. Read more in the press release

Swedish press

Vår egen del i ondskan  Prof. William Maley, UNT 23.12.2018

Afghanska flyktingministern: Stoppa utvisningarna!  18.11.2018

Professor Maley: Afghanistan extremt instabilt; extra farligt för hazarer  14.11.2018

Våldet har blivit fullständigt oförutsägbart  ETC Oct 10, 2018

Professor: Konvertiter tacksamt mål för extremister  Dagen Oct 4, 2018

"Afghanistan är inte säkert"  Amnesty press Oct 20, 2018


Monday, October 08, 2018

The outcome: "How safe is Afghanistan?" Oct 4, 2018

The panel discussion. From left Annika Hamrud, Therese Pettersson, Vera Meijerling, William Maley, Anders Fänge and Liza Schuster.

At the conference How safe is Afghanistan? on Oct 4, 2018, a row of respected researchers presented their findings about the security situation in Afghanistan. Representants from non-governmental organisations gave us a view of the diverse asylum policies within EU.

In the program, after each title, you find links to the videos on facebook, ppt-presentations and papers.

You find all videos on youtube.

PPT-presentation in Swedish

Saturday, October 06, 2018

A success: "How safe is Afghanistan?" Oct 4 2018

Post-conference meeting with the organizing group, volunteers and some of the lecturers. 

The conference How safe is Afghanistan? in Stockholm, Oct 4, 2018, was a success. The lecture-hall was filled, and around one thousand followed the conference online.

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Conference on the safety situation in Afghanistan

Welcome to the international conference How safe is Afghanistan? in Stockholm, Sweden, on October 4, 2018 at 9-17 h (Central European Summer Time = UTC/GMT + 2h).